martes, 9 de diciembre de 2008

Our Intelligent Skills

The concept of intelligence is not exclusive of psychologists or any special group of specialists. Nowadays, it's important in other fields like in pedagogy. Howard Gardner proposes the “Multiple Intelligences Theory” which is based on the Gardner's idea that there are a lot of kinds of human skills with a connection among them. Gardner found a more suitable definition in the word “intelligence” than in the word “skill”. He defines intelligence like “a bio-psychological potential to process information which can be used in a culture to resolve problems or to create valuable results”.
First, H. Gardner discovered seven intelligences:
*The verbal-linguistic: it shows a special sensibility to language, its use, and learning. This is the intelligence of lawyers, writers, poets, and speakers.
*The logic-mathematical is in the analysis of problems in a logic way doing mathematical procedures and scientist’s researches like mathematicians, scientists, and logic persons do.
The two intelligences above have been more studied in the traditional school. Among the other intelligences we have three which are focused on fine arts:
*The musical intelligence: it helps to interpret, compose, and learn musical rhythms.
Corporal-kinesthetic uses the body for resolving problems. Here are classified: dancers, actors, sportsmen, craftsman, surgeons, lab scientists, and mechanics, others who have a technique orientation.
*The visual-spatial intelligence is used for people who recognize and handle guideline by themselves in every space (they may be big or small spaces). For example: sailors, pilots, sculptors, chess players, surgeons, architects or graphic artists.
The two personal intelligences which caused surprise are:
*The interpersonal intelligence which do possible to understand intentions, motivations, despites of others. So, it helps to work with other people like sellers, teachers, doctors, politicians, and religious leaders, and actors do.
*The intrapersonal intelligence helps to people to understand themselves, their own desires, fears, and skills and to use this information for improving their own living.
*Gardner says that the list of the intelligences above is temporary; he adds that they have sub-intelligences and he remembers the importance of the development not only of the seven intelligences but also morality. Gardner expresses the possibility of three more intelligences:
*The naturalistic intelligence in which it is possible recognize and classify the different species around, it is in flora and fauna.
*The spiritual intelligence helps to understand fundamental mysteries and the meaning of life, meditation, be in touch with transcendental things, and psyque or spiritual phenomenon.
*The existential intelligence or curiosity for essential things is the skill of put yourself in relation with deeper faets in the cosmos.
*In the body-kinesthetic intelligence “people is good at physical activities” and they prefer movement
1 La inteligencia Reformulada, Las Inteligencias Múltiples en el siglo XXI, Howard Gardner 2001, Paidos Barcelona.

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