martes, 9 de diciembre de 2008

Working as a Team

Title: Audio-visual entertainment
Grade: seventh grade
Description: *Favourite TV programs
*latest movies
*tops on music
Topic: movies, films, and music.
Context: Classroom.
Action Plan:* Favourite programs on television, their schedule, what's the best or worst?, analysis of main characters of some television programs.
-Oral practice asking and giving opinions.
-Writing a short composition about comments made in class.
-Evaluate participation.
*Latest movies on billboard, classify the gender, look for the characteristics of each one, differentiate movies form television programs.
-Debate “watching a film in the movies is better than watching a TV program”.
-Make drawings which represent their favorite film.
-Documentate about the best movies in the moment.
-Evaluate searching process.
*How much tops on music like or dislikes, analyse the meaning of some songs; look for the relationship among music, TV programs and films.
-to listen to a song in class.
-Analyse the meaning of some songs and their influence on the listener's emotions.
-To sing a piece of their favorite song and say why it likes them.
-To Evaluate work in class.
-Analyse the main characteristics of three different but very common genders like music, movies, and TV programs.
-Give opinion about different ways of entertainment.
-To express likes and dislikes in genders of movies and music.
To analyse positive and negative aspects of media entertainment and how they affect to the viewer.
Learning Strategies:
-Making associations among the information.
-Formal oral and writing practice.
-Paying attention.
-Using music.
-Discussing their feelings and likes with the class.
-Developing cultural understanding.

Stage 1

The teacher will ask some few questions about a film (very popular) than they have watched before:

what is the movie about? What message it gives? How did you liked?

(10 minutes)

Stage 2

the students talk about ther opinions and they analyse why the film is so popular (20 minutes)

Stage 3

they do cards about positive and negative things seen in the film. the teacher guides their work. (20 minutes)

Stage 4

They present their cards with an explanation to another grade's students (20 minutes).


Students and teacher do a reflexion on the topic for getting a conclusion.

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