viernes, 19 de diciembre de 2008

Debts Continuation on The Project

El énfasis el programa es la parte de speaking porque se desea que los scouts hablen el inglés a medida que van aprendiendo vocabulario y de este modo remplacen poco a poco las palabras del español por palabras en inglés. La idea es que entre mas didáctica sea la metodología empleada mejor será el aprendizaje del scout porque éste aprenderá con mas deseo de hacerlo. En el programa se tiene claro que el aprendizaje es un proceso y no se desea que el scout se sienta presionado pero al mismo tiempo se insiste en el uso de la lengua extranjera. Se confía en el enfoque comunicativo y en la metodología scout.
El programa si responde a las necesidades de los scouts y del contexto pero aun se debe trabajar la parte de motivar más al scout para trabajar con la escritura en sus cuadernos y el trabajo académico en el salón. Pienso que se debe intentar dictar toda la clase en inglés para ver los resultados pese a las quejas de los scouts al respecto. Esto podría ser algo bastante positivo para ellos. Igualmente, se deben incrementar el uso de tecnologías en la clase de inglés. Sin embargo, pienso que el proceso de bilingüismo va por buen camino en el colegio.

miércoles, 17 de diciembre de 2008

As a teacher

I have many reasons for being a teacher:
First: This profession helps me to grow as a person because I an in touch with many people, their personalities and demanding situations which make me be more demanding with myself. Teaching helps me to think faster, face the consequences of my actions with every student, bosses, and colleagues; to be creative, patient, to have a sense of justice, and others.
Second: One is a guide and a model for the students, helping to create a different society.
Third: You improve on the use of languages in English because of the learning of new words and expressions and pronunciation. In that process, it is possible to find a link between English and Spanish.

Language is our mean of communication and as we teach it, we know it and understand it better. One should teach according to each student's needs because everybody learns in a different way. This is very complex. So, it is important to find common aspects in their learning process.
Students have to be treated in a different way when they're in the classroom and when they're in the break or another place. Because the possibility of confusing respect and confidence. It may cause a lost of authority in the classroom.
In human nature is necessary to learn. The important thing is to keep interest in what he/she is learning and that's an aspect in the teacher's role.
Learning is acquired knowledge than later can be used when you need it in any situation. As a teacher my world view is sometimes a little confusing because there ate grateful moments together with depressing ones.
A teacher has to offer what students need for understanding a topic and give a total clarity about it. Likewise, he/ she needs to have clear points in the decision making, which depends on the student's experiences in the classroom and the analysis made on them.
People learn when they want to learn because that is one of their biggest motivations. I facilitate their learning through a sort of different activities from different methods. I try to use the most possibly attractive teaching methods according to the context.
I teach according to the requirements of the philosophy of the school where I teach because I think it is very good, even through, it can be better. I try to incorporate knowledge acquired in the university which can be integrated to the methodology used at school. I design different activities for the class: they can be on the whiteboard, written in sheets, or corporal activities. However, I think that dynamic activities are not necessarily the corporal ones (playing games). Then, I try to create activities inside the classroom in which I can teach in a nice way.
The student's answers to the activities are very important. In accordance with that, I decide if continue with the selected activities or not.
For the material, I consider myself very necessary to have a guide book which help to have a clear north and I try to complement the information got with the book. Assignments for home should be about researching because it is better to practice and do exercises in the classroom with the teacher's guide and do a review at home in order to do not forget the topics taught in class. It is good to make special projects where teachers have to give a clear model to follow.
Nowadays, I want that my students learn English in a motivating way to get people who understand and speak in the foreign language with security and correctly. Also, with a wide knowledge of vocabulary which facilitate them to express their feelings and thoughts, and a big curiosity for learning more English. For example, technology is part of the student's world. So, is important to include it in the classes as possible.
I can improve as a professional by teaching because it helps me to face the real world in a classroom and by practicing because it becomes easier the process of teaching, the handle of group, time, and others.
I try to implement the ideas above in the classroom and I think than they are working. However, I need more time to be completely sure because many of my nowadays' ideas are recent.
About assessment, I do one individual which is more qualitative than quantitative because it is based on the student's interest for getting goals, I mean, the frequent use of vocabulary, their level of understanding, and their pronunciation to avoid fossilizations.
At the moment, it is difficult to stand future goals as a teacher. Now, I'm learning still and I want to improve my knowledge of English in the four skills. I have realized that this is a self-process and I attempt to make conscious my students about that.
Teaching in primary school has many facets. One is the tenderness necessary at their ages, that's one of the factors in communication; one has to keep an eye on their feelings and needs in the classroom.
It is important to earn the student's confidence. So, they can trust the teacher's knowledge and learn in a more enthusiastic way. That's why the teacher himself must be sure about her capacities. The better the student feels, the better knowledge he gets. Just like the teacher.
For getting a good environment, it is necessary to have a good relationship with students, be very creative in the design of a variety of activities, a food handle on the topics taught taking profit of time for avoiding messes.
Now, the students are using more words in English, they understand explanations in English, some of them correct the teacher when she speaks in Spanish. So, they are motivated but they need to study mote at home.

martes, 9 de diciembre de 2008

My Teaching Practice

El colegio en el cual me encuentro realizando las observaciones es el mismo colegio en el cual trabajo actualmente. Por lo tanto, el tiempo en el cual yo permanezca en la institución, está más determinado por el período académico en la misma universidad que por la misma institución, a menos que decidan prescindir de mis servicios.
Realizo una auto observación ya que no tengo ninguna hora libre en el colegio y aunque otro profesor dicta inglés en el bachillerato, dicho profesor es al mismo tiempo el coordinador y no tiene el tiempo para observar las clases que realizo con el grupo que estoy observando (tercero de primaria del cual yo soy la directora de grupo). La auto observación de las clases es casi a diario pues en el colegio se realizan muchas actividades y eso causa que en ocasiones sean pocas las clases que yo tenga con los chicos de tercero pese a que semanalmente son cinco horas de clase de inglés. Por la dificultad de emplear solamente el diario de campo (porque al dictar la clase de primaria se debe estar muy pendiente de las preguntas y necesidades de los estudiantes) puesto que no se puede escribir y realizar la clase al mismo tiempo. Estoy empleando el registro de una grabadora para grabar las clases en algunas ocasiones.
El horario que tengo con el grupo es el siguiente:
Dos horas el día martes (9:50-11:20), una hora el miércoles (12:45-1:30), una hora el jueves (8:45-9:30) y una hora el viernes (10:35-11:20). El objetivo es realizar observaciones en los días 27y 28 de noviembre, al igual que los días 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10 y 11 de diciembre en los horarios señalados anteriormente (aún tengo la preocupación de que se puedan o no observar las clases por la realización de alguna otra actividad).
Cronograma sujeto a modificaciones
En los siguientes días dictaré clases normales de inglés al grupo observado en el horario señalado anteriormente.
enero: 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23.
febrero: 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19,20.
marzo: 3, 4, 6, 10, 11, 12, 24, 25, 31.
abril: 1, 2, 3, 14, 15, 16, 17.
mayo: 5, 6, 7, 8, 19, 20, 21.

Los objetivos son:
1) Lograr que, según la necesidad, los scouts empleen el syllabus aprendido en la clase de inglés.
2) Practicar con más frecuencia el listening utilizando la grabadora para que los scouts se acostumbren a otros sonidos en inglés diferentes a la voz de la scout.
3) Presentar el aprendizaje del idioma inglés como algo fácil a los scouts.
4) Contextualizar el vocabulario enseñado en clase y tocar la realidad cercana del scout.
5) Lograr una excelente combinación de la metodología de enseñanza con la ideología scout.
6) Comunicarse más frecuentemente en el idioma inglés.
7) Incrementar el conocimiento del vocabulario de la lengua extranjera.
8) Conservar la filosofía dinámica del colegio.
Los logros generales son:
1) Reconozco los números ordinales.
2) Identifico las partes de la casa.
3) Aprendo el nombre de algunos deportes.
4) Diferencio entre “were” y “are”.
5) Expreso mis preferencias.
6) Identifico el vocabulario de la ropa.
1) How is our weather?
* How was the weather yesterday? How is it today?
*Weather in Colombia (Cali).
2) My home
*Ubication of rooms in my house.
*Where are my things?
3) Ordinal Numbers
* Let’s use ordinal numbers in dates and floors
*Weather in Colombia (Cali).
4) There be
*What I have in my house.
5) Sports equipment
* Location of sporting items at home
6) My things pets
*where things were and where things are now.
7) Likes
* I express preferences.
8) Clothing
*What we are wearing.
Activities (games): Después de introducir los temas y la realización de ejercicios orales se realizaran actividades complementarias en las cuales se haran preguntas mediante penitencias o simplemente se trabajará con lo aprendido.
*Get the place
*Work in the workbook
*Oral sentences ( mediante preguntas y respuestas)
*homeworks ( si es necesario complementar el tema)
*tires ( actividades fuera del salón de clase que impliquen la utilización de energía necesaria para son niños de primaria).
*Por ser un énfasis en el enfoque comunicativo se harán muchas preguntas intentando tocar la parte personal del scout ( likes, family, hobbies, friends, etc) para relacionarlo con la información adquirida en clase.
*Se intensificará la utilización de la grabadora: escuchando música suave en inglés cuando los scouts esten realizando actividades como los ejercicios del workbook o brawing y la escucha de los CDs de los libros de clase.
*Se desea implementar más actividades dentro del salón de clase que se puedan integrar de manera dinámica con lo enseñado durante la clase. Las actividades por fuera del salón se dejaran preferiblemente para el final de la clase.
*Se observará continuamente la reacción de los scouts frente a las actividades para saber si se necesitan cambios dentro de las mimas.
* Se incrementará la utilización del inglés oral de la scouter.
* Se intentará observar a cada scout individualmente ( ya que son seis se facilitará esta tarea).
La evaluación será muy cualitativa con base en la reacción y mejora en el aprendizaje de cada scout. Se tendrán en cuenta aspectos como: participación, mejora en la pronunciación, utilización de lo aprendido, trabajo oral, ejercicios del workbook y tareas.
*Libros y CDs de la clase y traido a la misma.
*Libros de historias y cuentos de la Universidad o material de la internet.
*Se planea la posibilidad de trabajar con internet dentro del colegio ( en la sala de sistemas).
-La bibliografía será variada pero con base en el libro de la clase "Let's go". third edition. Genevieve Kocienda, Ritsuko Nakata, Karen Frazier, Barbara Hoskins with songs and chants by Carolyn Graham. Oxford University Press 2007.
-Books from the resouce center at Univalle.
-Material created by the teacher Maury.

Me preparo para la clase teniendo todo listo para lo que voy a necesitar en el transcurso de la misma. Preparo clase para una semana o dos y el día anterior a ésta, saco los materiales que necesitaré para la misma.
En lo personal mi preparación para enseñar es afectada por las mismas vivencias que se me presentan en el aula, es decir, al ver la reacción de los scouts frente a las actividades que se realizaran, tomo decisiones para las próximas. A veces oro a Dios, otras me mentalizo con que la próxima clase va a ser mejor y hago lo posible por presentar los temas con entusiasmo. Al preparar la clase, verifico la pronunciación del vocabulario que voy a introducir y me ayudo con información acerca de otras actividades a realizar en la clase, preguntando a otros profesores o buscando en Internet.
Las mayores dificultades que he encontrado son la apatía hacia el inglés porque les parece difícil o dicen que no les gusta y el comportamiento de parte de algunos scouts que no trabajan e impiden que los demás lo hagan.
He intentado enseñar el inglés de un modo en el cual los scouts lo vean como algo fácil y sencillo, intentando introducir vocabulario poco a poco e integrándolo con las actividades dinámicas de movimiento que son parte importante en la pedagogía del colegio. En cuanto a los que no dejan trabajar, estoy intentando integrarlos mas a las clases haciéndoles preguntas, poniéndolos a escribir en el tablero o dictando, etc.
Mi contribución a la situación de enseñanza del idioma en la institución está en lograr que los scouts aprendan bien la lengua extranjera, con buena pronunciación, lo empleen por lo menos en el colegio y despertarles la curiosidad hacia el conocimiento del inglés para que quieran continuar aprendiéndolo.

El plan de área me parece muy acorde a los objetivos y necesidades de la institución. Involucra mucho al scout y no solamente al scouter, cuya actividad principal es de ser un modelo y guía para los scouts.
En lo relativo al área de la lengua extranjera, se busca un enfoque comunicativo integrado con la metodología scout, la cual debe trabajarse junto con los temas y objetivos buscados en los scouts. En el plan de área se debe especificar el lugar en dónde se van a realizar las actividades pedagógicas y la manera (de forma muy concreta) en que se trabajará en la clase. Esto ayuda a tener una mejor preparación de las actividades que se van a realizar. Igualmente, se proveen posibles dificultades con sus respectivas soluciones, logrando una mayor efectividad en el manejo de grupo.
La institución busca scouters investigadores, pues se debe plantear un problema de investigación al cual se le da una respuesta en su momento. En la clase de inglés, el programa del curso avanza con los scouts en la medida en que ellos aprenden tratando seguir el proceso individual de cada scout.

Working as a Team

Title: Audio-visual entertainment
Grade: seventh grade
Description: *Favourite TV programs
*latest movies
*tops on music
Topic: movies, films, and music.
Context: Classroom.
Action Plan:* Favourite programs on television, their schedule, what's the best or worst?, analysis of main characters of some television programs.
-Oral practice asking and giving opinions.
-Writing a short composition about comments made in class.
-Evaluate participation.
*Latest movies on billboard, classify the gender, look for the characteristics of each one, differentiate movies form television programs.
-Debate “watching a film in the movies is better than watching a TV program”.
-Make drawings which represent their favorite film.
-Documentate about the best movies in the moment.
-Evaluate searching process.
*How much tops on music like or dislikes, analyse the meaning of some songs; look for the relationship among music, TV programs and films.
-to listen to a song in class.
-Analyse the meaning of some songs and their influence on the listener's emotions.
-To sing a piece of their favorite song and say why it likes them.
-To Evaluate work in class.
-Analyse the main characteristics of three different but very common genders like music, movies, and TV programs.
-Give opinion about different ways of entertainment.
-To express likes and dislikes in genders of movies and music.
To analyse positive and negative aspects of media entertainment and how they affect to the viewer.
Learning Strategies:
-Making associations among the information.
-Formal oral and writing practice.
-Paying attention.
-Using music.
-Discussing their feelings and likes with the class.
-Developing cultural understanding.

Stage 1

The teacher will ask some few questions about a film (very popular) than they have watched before:

what is the movie about? What message it gives? How did you liked?

(10 minutes)

Stage 2

the students talk about ther opinions and they analyse why the film is so popular (20 minutes)

Stage 3

they do cards about positive and negative things seen in the film. the teacher guides their work. (20 minutes)

Stage 4

They present their cards with an explanation to another grade's students (20 minutes).


Students and teacher do a reflexion on the topic for getting a conclusion.

Tools for teaching

"A blog (a contraction of the term "Web log") is a Web site, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. "Blog" can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.
Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, Web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability for readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs. Most blogs are primarily textual, although some focus on art (artlog), photographs (photoblog), sketches (sketchblog), videos (vlog), music (MP3 blog), audio (podcasting), which are part of a wider network of social media. Micto-blogging is another type of blogging, one which consists of blogs with very short posts. As of December 2007, blog search engine Technocratic was tracking more than 112 million blogs. With the advent of video blogging, the word blog has taken on an even looser meaning — that of any bit of media wherein the subject expresses his opinion or simply talks about something."
There are many different types of blogs, differing not only in the type of content, but also in the way that content is delivered or written.
Personal Blogs are very common ongoing diaries; they are more than a mere way of communication but a way of reflexion and can become very popular. There are "microbloggings," which are extremely detailed blogging because they want to keep a specific moment in time. Some bloggers, like Twitter, invite to communicate instantaneously with friends and family, they are quite fast. They can be private, for business, communication within a specific community, or in a corporation for marketing, branding, or public relations (corporate blogs).
Question Blogging is designed for answering questions from a submittal form, email, telephone or VOIP. They can even show notes from pod casts. Many question logs use syndication to get answers the questions.
By Media Type or "vlog" comprise videos. They can be link logs, sketchblogs, phothoblogs, gumblelogs or Phlog (Gopher Protocol)
By Genre They are blogs which are focused on particular subjects. For example: "political blogs, tavel blogs, house blogs, fashion blogs, project blogs, education blogs, niche blogs, classical usic blogs, quizzing blogs and legal blogs (often referred to as a blawgs) or dreamlogs."
Advantages: *Blogs help to comunicate with people who have not a great social life.
* There are a big variety of blogs that lead to the creativity for the formation of others. Besides, they are for everybody.
*A right employment of blogs promotes the acquisition of a better information and learning about many topics.
*It is a way of communication opened to everybody. So, blogs provide a wider point of view about different topics.
* It promotes feedback and the increasing of ideas.
Disadvantages: *The communication with other people is through a computer and not personal.
* Blogs can facilitate deceits in different ways from many people.
* People can find many words and little really interesting ideas (being a waste of time in any way).
* Updated information.
Implementation: To keep a blog depend on its content, which must be interesting, wide to a big amount of interests, updated, etc. and its use. It can be highly implemented at school as a tool for research. At the same time that the education of its use. It is necessary to show the importance of the use of technology and awake the curiosity in people. So, they want to learn more about "web log."
Hand out the slips of paper.
Ask everyone to close their eyes and listen for one minute to whatever sounds occur.
Tell them to open their eyes and write what they heard on slips of paper. Tell them they can ask you for any English vocabulary they need but don't know.
Ask everyone to say what they have written down. Write useful or interesting expressions on the board; also, take notes for yourself because you will need a record shortly (Step 6).
Lead pronunciation practice.
Wipe the board clean then dictate the expressions you have just erased. (This information is mainly taken from this page but it has some few modifications into my words and ideas) I have complemented the information with pages like:

Our Intelligent Skills

The concept of intelligence is not exclusive of psychologists or any special group of specialists. Nowadays, it's important in other fields like in pedagogy. Howard Gardner proposes the “Multiple Intelligences Theory” which is based on the Gardner's idea that there are a lot of kinds of human skills with a connection among them. Gardner found a more suitable definition in the word “intelligence” than in the word “skill”. He defines intelligence like “a bio-psychological potential to process information which can be used in a culture to resolve problems or to create valuable results”.
First, H. Gardner discovered seven intelligences:
*The verbal-linguistic: it shows a special sensibility to language, its use, and learning. This is the intelligence of lawyers, writers, poets, and speakers.
*The logic-mathematical is in the analysis of problems in a logic way doing mathematical procedures and scientist’s researches like mathematicians, scientists, and logic persons do.
The two intelligences above have been more studied in the traditional school. Among the other intelligences we have three which are focused on fine arts:
*The musical intelligence: it helps to interpret, compose, and learn musical rhythms.
Corporal-kinesthetic uses the body for resolving problems. Here are classified: dancers, actors, sportsmen, craftsman, surgeons, lab scientists, and mechanics, others who have a technique orientation.
*The visual-spatial intelligence is used for people who recognize and handle guideline by themselves in every space (they may be big or small spaces). For example: sailors, pilots, sculptors, chess players, surgeons, architects or graphic artists.
The two personal intelligences which caused surprise are:
*The interpersonal intelligence which do possible to understand intentions, motivations, despites of others. So, it helps to work with other people like sellers, teachers, doctors, politicians, and religious leaders, and actors do.
*The intrapersonal intelligence helps to people to understand themselves, their own desires, fears, and skills and to use this information for improving their own living.
*Gardner says that the list of the intelligences above is temporary; he adds that they have sub-intelligences and he remembers the importance of the development not only of the seven intelligences but also morality. Gardner expresses the possibility of three more intelligences:
*The naturalistic intelligence in which it is possible recognize and classify the different species around, it is in flora and fauna.
*The spiritual intelligence helps to understand fundamental mysteries and the meaning of life, meditation, be in touch with transcendental things, and psyque or spiritual phenomenon.
*The existential intelligence or curiosity for essential things is the skill of put yourself in relation with deeper faets in the cosmos.
*In the body-kinesthetic intelligence “people is good at physical activities” and they prefer movement
1 La inteligencia Reformulada, Las Inteligencias Múltiples en el siglo XXI, Howard Gardner 2001, Paidos Barcelona.